
Save Money Today on Your Student Loans

If you live in Delaware, you’re eligible for all the student loan forgiveness programs available on a national level. But you could also qualify for a generous student loan forgiveness option, just for Delaware residents who work in medical or mental health fields. Here’s some more info on what this program is and how you qualify.

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The average college graduate walks away with $37,172 in student loan debt, but in West Virginia, the burden is especially hard. The state leads the nation in default rates. 

But did you know that some West Virginians will be able to get their loans forgiven? If you are a primary care physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, dentist, or nurse midwife, you could be eligible for loan repayment assistance.  

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Connecticut is one of a handful of states that has no student loan forgiveness programs specific to state residents. All isn’t lost, though. Connecticut residents qualify for all the non-state-specific student loan forgiveness programs available elsewhere in the country. Here’s an overview.

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It’s a question most of us ask ourselves at one point or another: “How am I doing financially compared to my peers?” While you can’t necessarily base the health of your finances on your friends' bank statements, it's a natural instinct to want to know how you measure up.

And if you happen to be a Millennial, you know how closely the world is watching you, especially when it comes to your career and finances.

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While the process of applying to refinance your student loans isn't particularly time-consuming, you'd probably rather not spend the half hour collecting documents and filling out paperwork if you think your application will be denied. 

One of the best ways to increase your chance of successfully refinancing your student loans is to apply with a cosigner. 

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Mindfulness and money may not seem like they naturally go together — that is, one is generally associated with  "new age" practices, while the other is more linear and logical.

However, melding the two may yield some surprising results. 

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