
Save Money Today on Your Student Loans

Refinancing your student loans can have multiple benefits, including lowering your monthly payment and saving thousands over the life of your loan.

But is it the right move for you? The answer depends on several things. Refinancing your student loans can save you a lot of money, but it shouldn’t be a snap decision—especially if there are federal loans in the mix.

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It’s depressing to think that your student loans might outlive you. But, unfortunately, it happens.

If you die before paying them off, the fate of your student loans depends on a lot of factors. Sometimes they get forgiven—but in some cases, other people in your life might be on the hook, especially if you’re married. Here’s a look at some of the determining factors.

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If you have Mohela student loans, you may be interested in lowering your monthly payments or reducing what you pay overall. If so, refinancing may be a smart option. 

Refinancing is actually pretty simple — believe it or not, you can actually complete the entire process in less than 30 minutes. You can refinance your Mohela student loans with a few steps:

  1. researching lenders
  2. choosing a lender, and
  3. filling out an application.
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Can you pay off student loans with a credit card? Sure. It’s a free country. But maybe a better question is should you? 

It can be really tempting to look for shortcuts to get rid of student loans—and you’re not the first person to get one of those 0% APR credit card offers in the mail and go “Hmmmm.” But we strongly suggest you put the envelope down and back away slowly. Let's dig in a little deeper.

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"I have been incapacitated by debt for a decade," says writer MH Miller in a recent article in The Guardian. At one point, things got so bad that he found himself hoping he'd die from an undiagnosed medical condition ... that is, until he found out that his dad would then be liable for paying off his student loan debt.

Miller's article seems to have hit a chord among readers. It's not hard to see why when you consider that 44 million borrowers across the U.S. owe a total of more than $1.4 trillion in student loans. Can you relate?

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If you’re torn over whether to rent or buy your next home, you’re not alone. While being a homeowner has many benefits, home ownership is not necessarily the slam-dunk decision it used to be. 

It may be better to rent if you're planning to move within a few years, if you can't put down a sizable down payment, or if it would cost you less to rent a comparable home in your area. Let's dig in a little deeper. 

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Save on Your Student Loans
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The Best Companies To Refinance Your Student Loans Save Money Now
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