Posts by Jon O'Donnell

Jon is a staff writer and marketer for Comet, who recently refinanced his student loans which will allow him to pay them off 5 years faster and save an additional $152/month. While he continues to pay them off himself, he strives to help others do the same. In his work for Comet, Jon is continuing his career trajectory of connecting people with educational opportunities to help them improve their careers and personal finances. In his free time you can find him reading travel blogs and researching destinations around the world in search of his next adventure.
Jon O'Donnell

Paying student loans is a fact of life for more than 70 percent of college graduates – but paying too much for those student loans doesn’t have to be. Many people don’t realize that once they’ve been out of school for a few years, they could be eligible for lower interest rates on their private student loans.

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Are you eager to conquer your student loan debt, but wondering if you qualify for refinancing? Here at Comet, we’ve helped people save more than $200 million on their student loans. Refinancing requirements can vary by lender, but we’ve put together a list of the most common things lenders look for.

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There’s no better time than the present to rethink your financial situation. You’ve probably heard that a student loan refinance could save you money, but is it the right move for you? To know for sure, you must consider how a student loan refinance could help and if you are in the best position to refinance your student loans.

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Does it feel like your future is on hold while you repay your student loans? If so, you aren’t alone. Millions of Americans have postponed moving out of their parents’ homes, getting married, starting businesses, having children, saving for retirement, or moving forward in other important areas of life because of crushing student loan debt.

For a lot of graduates – particularly those who took out multiple loans – the total tab comes as a shock when the grace period ends and it’s time to start making monthly payments. But there may be things you can do to lower your monthly burden and get out of debt faster.

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Refinancing can be a smart way to consolidate your student loans, cut your interest rate, lower your monthly payments, and get out of debt faster. But like all financial decisions, there are factors to consider.

The student lending landscape has changed dramatically in recent years with the addition of innovative consumer-focused options. In a recent analysis we found that people who refinanced with private lenders saved an average of $259 a month and $19,231 over the life of the student loans.

By asking yourself a few simple questions you can determine how to best go about refinancing your loans...

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Are You ReFi Ready?
Imagine Life Without a Student Loan Payment... Start Saving Now!
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The Best Companies To Refinance Your Student Loans Save Money Now
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